Cooking in Calcutta is about cooking Bengali food. But, it's also about cooking in general, its joys and its challenges, and its universal appeal.
Sunday, September 03, 2006
A summer hot as hell, but sweet as an apple pie
But, I haven’t stopped cooking – and writing – though. Even in the heat of the Indian summer, I cooked every weekend. One such session was my first pie-baking experience. I made, with my mother, an apple pie the very first time, although I had lived so many years in America.
That experience is recorded in an article I wrote for, an Internet site run by a gracious lady called Diana Serbe. Read my article on her site, if you will.
Let me know what you think about the article and about baking an apple pie. Don’t hesitate to give me any tips. BTW, thanks to all those who've posted comments so far.
Until then, au revoir.
Friday, March 31, 2006
Live from New York City
Another classic salad made with mayonnaise is the Waldorf salad, which is a fruity variation of the regular chicken sandwich filling. Waldorf salad originated in New York’s Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in the 1890s.
I replicated exactly the classic Waldorf salad recently. This time I hadn’t wanted to give any twist of my own to a classic. I wanted it to be 100 percent authentic: You could have it in the hallowed NY hotel or the tacky duplex I inhabit in a seedy Calcutta neighborhood, and the taste should exactly be the same. This was my goal from the very beginning.
Every ingredient of the salad that I would normally have in my pantry would be the same anyway – except the apple’s variety. All a Waldorf salad would need is cooked chicken (I prefer breast for a mild flavor), mayonnaise, celery, spring onion, walnuts, lemon (or lime) juice, apple and, of course, seasoning.
For the apple, I wanted Granny Smith, no other. Not that apples are in short supply in Calcutta. In crowded Sealdah, the largest market of its kind in Asia, fruit vendors sell several kinds, among them Red Delicious, round the clock. They are red and sweet, the kind most popular in India. They come from Himachal Pradesh and Kashmir, two Himalayan states in the north of the country.
But, I wanted Waldorf-Astoria in my humble home; I wanted Granny Smith, which is crunchy, juicy, and tart. So, off I went to New Market.
And, lo and behold, I found plenty. Green, round, smooth, firm, with a label, “Washington Apples,” in boxes with the lids ripped off. What more could I have asked for? But, the price? Rs. 150 (about $3.5) a kilogram, which is about 2 lbs. That is a prohibitive price in India. But, I wanted authentic; so, I picked a single apple weighing a little less than 200 grams (7 oz) despite the storekeeper’s murmur of discontent.
“We make no money on one,” he said, putting the apple in a thonga, or a newspaper bag, which is a smaller and cheaper version of the staple brown-paper bag at US supermarkets.
I returned home with the booty. I created the Waldorf salad. Just to compare, I prepared a second batch with a red apple. They weren’t the same. The red apple-Waldorf salad was too sweet for my taste despite my effort to balance the flavor with extra lime juice. Sweet is good when used in desserts or eaten plain, but in chicken or something predominantly savory, I prefer tart. That is another debate, another story, another post, though.
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
What's the Theme Nonight?
On my turn, especially when I would have guests, I often declared the theme of the dinner ahead of time. "Tonight's theme is ginger," I would say, for example.
On a night, when my roommates were starving and waiting hungrily for me to finish, one of them might ask, "Angshuman, what's tonight's theme?"
A theme, I thought, made me look fashionable, my cooking sound special. A theme, or a single flavor, meant elegance.
Now, I am happy to say, that concept is more than just fashion or elegance; it's a diet idea!
Earlier this year, David L. Katz, M.D., a top authority on nutrition and weight control (and disease prevention), came out with his Flavor Point Diet. He published a book, based on research at the Yale-Griffin Prevention Research Center, that says if people consume a single flavor in a whole day's meals, they would lose weight without starving!
After I wrote to Dr. Katz, a professor at the Yale med school, complimenting on his research and this happy coincidence (my penchant for "themed" dinners), he responded with equally kind words. How great it feels to hear from such a luminary!
In a later post, I will give you a few recipes based on a dominant flavor. How about ginger?
In the meantime, read more about The Flavor Point Diet on ABC News.
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
Tuna Sandwich, Transformed in Bengal
True to my promise, this post is a recipe for the fish sandwich I described in my previous post. I use bekti, a fish prized in Bengal for its soft, flaky flesh full of flavor and omega-3 fatty acids, which are so healthful. This sandwich, served with potato chips, could be a simple lunch or even a light dinner.
Bekti sandwich
Serves 4
For the salad:
½ lb (225 gm) cooked bekti, boned and skinned
½ cup of chopped celery or green bell pepper (capsicum)
½ cup of chopped green (or spring) onion
¼ cup of mayonnaise (see recipe in earlier post, “Making mayonnaise”)
2 tbsp of vegetable oil
1 tbsp of lemon (or lime) juice
salt and pepper to taste
For the sandwich:
8 slices of large sandwich bread
lettuce, one head, or four large leaves
2 medium-sized tomatoes, sliced
Cut each sandwich diagonally and serve with potato chips or French fries and ketchup.
Note: To get ½ lb (225 gm) of bekti, boil or steam about 1 lb (450 gm) of fresh fish in salted water. In India, canned bekti is unheard of.
Saturday, January 07, 2006
The Story of the Tuna Sandwich Retold
Yet, she is a source of joy, and nothing better could have happened to me last year. My only problem with her is that I can’t indulge in my fondest pleasure as much as I used to.
Yes, that’s cooking. But, I do squeeze out some time from the whirl of office, baby care, and a zillion other things, for there is nothing so energizing, so life-affirming than cooking.
In my next post, I will continue my love affair with mayonnaise (See my previous post). I will show you how I replicate the simple pleasure of the tuna sandwich with Bengal’s very own bekti, a sweet, flaky fish prized for some of the finest delicacies in this fish-loving state.